Morgan Mikenas is gone an entire year without removing the hair from her armpits and legs to show that embracing what you believe is nothing to be ashamed about.
She has garnered a huge following on Instagram thanks to her fitness related posts, which she hoped would inspire her thousands of fans to get healthy. Last year, she decided to take it to a whole different direction.

Morgan goes on to say that she wants women to quit being ashamed of their bodies and for young girls to stop being bullied for how they look. Perhaps her pictures will inspire you.
“I want everybody to not feel ashamed of themselves. I think it’s unfair that people think they have to be in this culture norm. Just do whatever makes you feel good.”
She claims that she questioned their response of: ‘Oh my god, you look like a man!’ by saying “what does that say if that’s how these kids are being taught. I’ve even seen kids in third grade [8 or 9-years-old] that shave their legs.

Mikenas posted a 13-minute video explaining why she no longer shaves.
“I haven’t shaved my legs for over a year, and I will never go back. The purpose of this video is not to shame people who do shave, I just want to speak on how its helped me become more comfortable with myself, and maybe inspire others to do something that makes them feel confident.”
Most women in America shave both their legs and armpits, but more and more of them are supporting natural beauty by putting away their razor completely.