American Michelle Liu publishes snaps from her travels in a rather unusual way: she positively poses with her chin pressed to her neck. The girl is not afraid to be funny and dreams of traveling around the world.

Her Instagram page which really differs from bored one-type profiles of travel-bloggers. She calls her photo series “chinventures”.
As Michelle told, she seeks to show that you should not take Instagram too seriously. And even more not be guided by the “standards” of beauty that fashion bloggers are promoting in the social network.
While others forge their travel-photos or invent fatal diseases to become famous, Michelle fools around on camera – and is happy.

Michelle has been “Chinning” for several years. The adventures of her chin on Instagram are watched by almost 72 thousand subscribers.
The girl started the account in 2016 when she studied exchange in the Austrian capital Vienna.
“I used “chinning” to amuse my friends in high school and college, where I decided to share my chin with the world.”
Since then, Michelle managed to fool around the camera around the world: she visited the Czech Republic, Poland, the Netherlands, China and many other countries.