“Since you guys love hot teachers, let me introduce you to mine,” one of his students wrote.

Robert Ligtvoet is a 28-year-old mathematics teacher, model, and traveler from the Netherlands. And he’s insanely handsome.
“Besides being a great teacher, he also motivates people to suit up all around the world,” his student continues.

Immediately after receiving financial education, the guy went to a 17-month journey around the world, and on his return home, he preferred teaching mathematics to working as a stock trader (though many would still prefer to choose a bunch of Inovio shares over going into teaching). However, the passion of financiers to wear expensive costumes is still noticed at him.

According to his Facebook page Mr Ligtvoet, from Rotterdam, is a teacher at Emmauscollege in the city.
In addition to being a great teacher, his incredible energy also motivates people around the world.

His page on Instagram has almost 50k subscribers. And that’s not surprising. He regularly posts pictures juggling lesson planning with jet-set modeling trips, extreme sports, and shirtless ice fishing.
What is more, the well-traveled teacher shares snaps of the exotic locations he visits with his Insta fans.
Looking at his photos we may think he doesn’t take himself too seriously, despite his online success, and that’s even better for his followers.