Matthew St Clair, AKA Vegan Thor is the one who denies the importance of protein in building the “perfect” physique.

26-year-old guy names himself as a Thor because of his long golden locks and stunning, incredibly sculpted body in Adonis style which was cultivated on an entirely animal-free diet.
Prior to having such a perfect shape Miami, Florida-based couldn’t take any items of clothing off in front of people due to his unhealthy 245-pound frame.

“During my college years, I was very unhappy with my appearance. I decided to take proactive measures to better my personal health and wellbeing. I quickly fell in love with fitness and started following a consistent workout regime shortly after I graduated from college,” Mediadrumworld cites Matt.
“By the time I moved to Miami about a year later, I was running five miles and spending about two hours in the gym each day.”
“As time progressed, I focused on weight training and grew fascinated by nutrition and exercise science. After reading a lot and seeing others thrive on a cruelty-free diet, I realized I could make compassionate choices, without sacrificing my fitness goals. I made the decision to go vegan and never looked back.”
It is worth noticing that besides his attractive appearance he isn’t as popular online as he could be. His account on IG counts only 25 thousand followers while content Matt produces needs some refreshment.

“I’ve always hated the idea of social media. I still don’t have a Facebook. When I caved and created an Instagram, I never imagined people would be interested in what I have to say or my lifestyle.”
“Once I went vegan, I thought it would be a great way to show others what you can accomplish on a plant-based diet.”
“I’m proud to say, I’m making a positive impact. If one person is inspired to go vegan by my account or if I can provide resources to those seeking advice, it’s great. If I can inspire 10,000 people to go vegan, that’s even better. I do it for the animals and the future of this planet, not for personal gain. I am truly humbled by the support and positive feedback I’ve received.”

What about his diet, Vegan Thor still manages to consume 4000 calories suitable for vegans a day.
This nutrition plan absolutely covers all his needs as he continually approaches muscle building results he desires. Moreover, his feats of strength are awesome: he currently squats 142kg, bench presses 125kg and can deadlift a jaw-dropping 183kg.

“For breakfast, I’ll drink an oat and banana-based protein shake, which usually clocks in at around 1000 calories. The shake typically includes peanut butter, frozen berries, plant-based protein powder and dates,” Matt added.
“For lunch, I typically eat brown rice, roasted sweet potato, mock meat or organic soy with some avocado and black beans for extra protein and healthy fats.”
“Dinner is typically quite similar with lots of roasted vegetables.”
“The biggest challenges are time and convenience. With work and training at the gym, I’m often out the house for 12 hours a day. Preparing fresh meals after a long day can be a struggle for anyone. It’s not so much my food choices that are challenging, but the number of hours in the day.”