Jesper Lekland, 27, and Amanda Wallander, 25, from Stockholm, Sweden have gained 55,000 Instagram fans with snaps of their synchronised exercises.

Smooching is a basis of their fitness routine as they try to select such movements which allow you to kiss your partner.
This tandem started their online career in 2015 and in eight months gained a significant fan-base of people eager to admire their toned physiques and dream relationship.
“We absolutely love the exercises where each rep rewards you with a kiss,” Jesper said.

The pair exercises four times a week for an hour. Today their feed is full of side-by-side photos showing their transformation over the years. In this way they let us know that such way of training has to exist.
It is true that sometimes gym equipment cannot be used due to lack of availability, and we may end up needing to hire gym equipment from another company. This couple, however, went one step further and showed you why using your girlfriend as a barbell is the best idea.
What about variation for women Amanda do press-ups with Jasper traditionally completing the move while Amanda props herself up on his back.

Amanda and Jesper first met with the help of Tinder four years ago. The sexual attraction between the two was there from the get-go. According to Amanda, on their first date, Jesper found a perfume that was infused with natural sex pheromones. The couple instantly hit it off and have been loved up ever since!
From that time their lives are connected with fitness exercises.
“At first it was hard to merge two different workout routines, seeing as we had completely different backgrounds,” Jesper explained to Daily Mail.

“We then decided to do a totally new workout instead, doing couples exercises to make it more fun and to make it better suit our needs.”
Amanda told how the couple clicked instantly after matching on the dating app.
“We decided to meet up and have been inseparable ever since. We now live together and can’t stand the thought of being apart, even for a day,” she said.

Apart from co-workout, there is also one vital thing that brings them together again and again.
Both of the young couple are incredibly competitive and don’t take kindly to losing.
“We decided to design our workouts to not compete with each other,” Jesper said.

“Each exercise requires the cooperation of both of us, or it wouldn’t work. As we remove the competitive element, we can instead focus on encouraging and helping each other to evolve.”
They love being an inspiration and have really taken this to heart, determined to be the best possible inspiration.