Karina Rutledge, a student of San Diego State University, was inspired by Kardashian glutes. However, everybody told her it is unreal unless surgeries. So that’s where her journey started.
After being told by a doctor, she was unhealthily skinny Karina was spurred on to gain some weight. In addition, she suffered a horrific break-up from a toxic relationship.

From that time Rutledge got big into weight-lifting and altered her body shape.
Speaking to UNILAD about her journey, Karina said: “My freshman and sophomore year of college I was in an extremely toxic relationship. My boyfriend at the time was cheating on me with my own roommate and was emotionally abusive.”

“We broke up after a two-year relationship, and I was heartbroken. I was hurting. When we were together, I unhealthily lost a ton of weight. I downloaded an app on my phone and literally restricted myself to 1,000 calories a day.”
“It was insane,” she continued. “On top of that, I was doing so much cardio. I was being told by everyone around me that I was getting too skinny too fast. Even my doctor said I was unhealthy and had to gain some weight back. I didn’t want to listen to them because I wanted to desperately be skinny.”

“After we broke up I was sad. I didn’t know how to pick myself up again. I finally got out of a toxic relationship, and I just didn’t have a clue what to do.”
After that, she started seeing all of these fitness gurus on Instagram and YouTube how they were able to transform their bodies by lifting weights.
“I couldn’t believe it! I asked my friends, Drew and Eden, to show me the ropes. To take me to the gym. I then started to realise that, while I was lifting, I wasn’t sad anymore. Drew and Eden were serious gym-goers and they were really helpful when I first started out. They also told me to check out a website like steelsupplements.com to learn about the supplements they have on offer. Apparently supplements can make a big difference to a workout!”

“I was filled with all of these endorphins, and I was genuinely happy. I started watching a ton of workout videos on YouTube and deleted my calorie tracker. I was focused on eating more and lifting heavy.”
“I made this journal with a ton of research I did on how to grow your glutes. It was the reason how I was able to literally change my body shape.”

Till today Karina consumes about 2,200 calories a day and is “not afraid of any type of food”, saying “I eat pizza if I want to, I eat ice cream if I want to”.
According to the girl, her “entire personality has changed” since she started lifting. To add, everybody notices her body shape has drastically changed.

She accompanies training her glutes two to three times a week, shoulders twice a week, and her back and biceps once a week with a diet of her choice, but says she tries to “eat cleaner” on most days having a lot of protein and carbs.