“I have never regretted my choice and love my work with all my heart.”

30-year-old Gunn Narten from Norway works in the fire service and also conducts profile on Instagram posting exercise programs with fitness tips, which has over 141k subs. British, The Daily Mail, has drawn attention to her enormous popularity gaining from the filing of which the Norwegian is now called “the most attractive woman firefighter.”
According to Narten, she decided to become a fireman at the age of 19, as she was always active and always dreamed of becoming a part of the team. She also admits this work allows combining complex tasks and helping people.

“When I applied for a job in the fire department, my mother said: “I’ve never heard of women firefighters before. Why do you?”. And I said: “Why not me?”
Norwegian is actively engaged in sports to match fellow men regarding physical fitness. According to her, they support it in every possible way: “I have excellent relations with colleagues, we are more like a family.”

Gunn considers the ability to understand one’s own desires and strive for their fulfillment as one of the essential things in life, even in spite of the possible condemnation and misunderstanding that she had to face after she made her unusual choice.
According to her, she created her own blog on Instagram to inspire people to destroy stereotypes and follow their dreams.
