An adrenaline-seeking base jumper Josh Miramant, 30, finds ordinary jumps with the parachute boring. So he discovered a gruesome new thrill – launching himself from heights with his parachute hooks pierced into his flesh.

San Francisco resident had his suspension jump from a cliff held in Ton Sai, Thailand. Admitting it gave him the strongest ‘adrenaline kick’ he’d ever felt.
Miramant planned to perform the leap into the water near the Thai rock climbing mecca of Krabi. And the footage of the stunt really shows the horrible metal hooks that were embedded into the skin on his back.

Josh started base jumping three weeks before the stunt. By this time he had completed 21 jumps.
He said: “I’d never had any other piercings before and it was by far the most painful part of the whole experience.”
“It takes about 20 minutes to get all four done and despite the appearance of this – I am not a masochist – I just came to enjoy the whole experience despite the pain, but I was certainly happy when the piercing was complete.”

“As with every base jump, an even body position with the hands extended like Superman is crucial to avoid the canopy from opening towards the cliff.”
He continues: “Distracted by the hooks in my back, I hoped I wouldn’t make a mistake and cause a fatal dangerous body position.”

The Daily Mail also claims that the American thrill-seeker insisted that despite being worried about the painful hooks, they didn’t prohibit him from completing the jump.
He said: “I was shocked that when the canopy opened, it was not very painful at all.

It’s amazing how powerful adrenaline is – as the canopy made a loud snap above me, it triggered one of the strongest adrenaline kicks I’ve ever had.
At that point, I just had to steer the canopy towards the ground, and it was over. The delight, relief, and satisfaction of success were far more prevalent than pain.”