Tom Hopper aka Dickon Tarly: Most jacked man on ‘Game of Thrones’

Here is Tom Hopper in a still from his Starz show, ‘Black Sails’, ‘Game of Thrones’, and some of him looking strong on a boat and in a gym. He looks healthy.  He took on the role in Season 7 of GOT after the original actor cast in the role (Freddie Stroma) had to drop out due to commitments to another project.

If these abs don’t make you sweat like Daenerys Targaryen in Jon Snow’s presence, nothing will.

The intensity of Tom’s workouts for roles goes up about tenfold compared with the off-season. But he try to keep his physique in check at all times so Hopper don’t slip out of shape between seasons or jobs. He really enjoy the 15-to 20-minute workouts to work my entire body at a high in-tensity and get a huge meta-bolic boost.