All of us has some personalities, whose appearance we would like to have. Maybe someone wouldn`t refuse to have such muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger had in the mid 70`s, another one could wish to have Ryan Gosling`s smile. However, there is a girl that managed to go further.

Her name is Sahar Tabar. She lives in Iran and has a dream to look like her idol Angelina Jolie.
There are sources that tell us only the approximate age of Sahar, it is 19-22. Moreover, it is not clear how many surgeries she has really had. But the majority of the Europen sources claim that this number has reached 50 in a few months.
In addition, she constantly sits on a strict diet, that`s why her weight of 40 kilograms remains unchanged.
The teenager has said she would “do anything” to look like her idol star.

It is strange but her Instagram account grows day-by-day. Now she has 557 thousand followers signed to her profile.