After the divorce Chinese farmer, Xu Wenyi wanted to escape from reality. He set himself an epic task – to dig a cave on the hillside.
60-year-old believed that cave-home in the mountain would be a perfect way to refresh his life.

This “building” appeared to be laborious and time-consuming as he spent almost six years digging the cave.
However, Xu is living his 14th year in the cave. He called it “Xiyan Cave”.
The size of his new home located on a hill in Xiangtan District, Hunan province, is impressive: almost 4 meters wide and more than 30 meters deep.

The cave is more like a tiny apartment, which has a living room area of 8 square meters and kitchen. The farmer holds his belongings in the niches dug in the walls. Inside the cave, there is also a chicken coop, and outside – a garden with pines and cypresses.
According to the man, “Xiyan Cave” on the hillside gives him much needed peace and tranquility.
Interestingly, cave houses are actually quite popular in some parts of China. So, in Shanxi province, about 30 million people live in homes dug in the hills of yellow porous soil.