Apparently, all the 18 million people following Sommer Ray are thankful to her mom for giving such an amazing gift for the world of fitness.
However, we’ve found out that Shannon’s honours don’t end up with the fact she is the mother of the most followed fitfluencer on Instagram.

As you know the saying, “the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree” it absolutely fits our couple.
On Mother’s Day, Sommer posted a revealing video of her mother on Snapchat looking hotter than the summer sunshine, with Shannon Ray melting hearts and dropping jaws all over social media.

From that time Shannon Ray’s page on IG racked up to 570 thousand subscribers.
Some of her first pictures on her popular Instagram account featured her lifestyle as a biker chick, but mostly her content is concerned with different fitness-related tips.

It seems like looking really, really hot is a family business. Recall, 52-year-old Mama Ray has other children named Savana Ray, Skylyn and Bronson.
Of course, there is a lion part of good genes and a little luck for keeping her appearance at A+, but hard work does also exist in her life, and it is doubtless.